Iran news/ According to an Iran Press report quoting the Leader's official website, after the drafting and preparation of an Islamic-Iranian model of progress, in which long-term objectives over the next five decades were set out, and methods of achieving those objectives were also outlined, the Leader has called on universities, research institutes, academics, intellectuals and experts to study the document thoroughly, and to advise on how best to modify, fine-tune and upgrade it.
The Leader also tasked "the Center for Islamic-Iranian Model of Development" to carefully consider all proposals for completion, fine-tuning and upgrading of the model, and to come up with a definitive Islamic-Iranian Model of Development in no more than two years, so that the model could be put into practice by the beginning of the new Iranian century (in just over two years from now).
The Leader added: "With divine grace and guidance, the efforts of several thousand top academics, university and seminary school lecturers and professors, and young scientists and experts, finally bore fruit, after seven years of efforts, on the 40th anniversary of the Islamic revolution, giving us an Islamic-Iranian model of development and progress.By implementing this Islamic-Iranian model for development, which is a huge, difficult but certainly possible task, a new Islamic-Iranian civilization will dawn in this historic land and ecosystem -- God willing.
The full text of the Leader's message to universities, academics, intellectuals and experts is as follows:
(1) The Expediency Council must study this document as a reference framework for devising the macro-policies of the Islamic Republic, and make proposals for amendments of the document if necessary. After a final copy of the Islamic-Iranian Model of Development is approved, the Expediency Council must ensure that the macro-policies of the Islamic Republic all conform and adhere to this model.
(2) The Iranian parliament (Majlis) must study the document from a national perspective, and make proposals for amendments, changes , etc. to ensure the document will serve as a reference framework according to which new legislation should be drawn up.
(3) The government should study this document, paying particular attention to whether it is feasible, practical, how difficult it is to implement, and whether it will bring about the changes it is supposed to bring. The government should make suggestions for improvement or upgrading of the document, and should make full use of academic experts when studying this document.
(4) The Supreme National Security Council, the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, and the Supreme Council of Cyber-Space, should all study this document, each from its own perspective, and make appropriate suggestions for improving and upgrading the document.
(5) Universities, Islamic seminary schools, academics and experts should all study the document and make specific suggestions for upgrading and improvement, thus contributing even more to development of Islamic Iran.
(6) "The Center for Islamic-Iranian Model of Development" to carefully consider all proposals for completion, fine-tuning and upgrading of the model, and to come up with an upgraded and optimized Islamic-Iranian Model of Development in no more than two years, so that the model could be put into practice by the beginning of the new Iranian century (which starts in March 2021) for ratification by parliament (Majlis) and implementation.
(7) After this, a period of time will be set aside for all government departments and ministries, and non-governmental institutions to familiarize themselves with the new Islamic-Iranian model of development and progress, and to ready themselves for implementation of this model. The new Islamic-Iranian model should become fully operable and proceed at a reasonable pace from March 2021 onward, corresponding to the turn of the new Solar Hijri century, in just over two years from now.
(8) The national broadcaster, IRIB, and other official news agencies and media should provide coverage of this important undertaking, informing the public as the new Islamic-Iranian model of development and progress nears completion. Any progress requires desirable positive change in every individual, as well as a change in the related social norms and social mechanisms, and thus it is gradual and lengthy process, dependent upon devout faith, belief, and upon national determination, diligence, effort, patience and perseverance.
Seyyed Ali Khamenei
14 October 2018
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