Iran Press/ Iran news: The second international conference on reviewing and exposing American human rights with the presence of ambassadors of Islamic countries and domestic and foreign thinkers in Tehran.
Speaking at the event as one of the keynote speakers Abbas Ali Kadkhodaeia a member of Iran's Guardian Council said: "All UN Security Council resolutions which are against terrorism stress that human rights must be respected. How does America's performance in Iraq and Afghanistan, which was carried out in the name of fighting against terrorism, go with the principles of human rights?"
He further stated: "ISIL was created by the USA and no one can deny that. The purpose of the Americans in creating this terrorist outfit was to commit crimes for which they themselves did not have the courage.
Abbas Ali Kadkhodaeia warned then: "The Us is responsible for all the crimes of ISIS and Takfiri groups in recent years "
"The American authorities have proven wherever their illegitimate interests lie, they have no adherence to human rights and when they need to pressure other nations, they misuse this tool against other nations." noted he
USA was helpless in the fight against ISIS in the region, but it was martyr Soleimani and his sacrifices that freed the region from the takfiri groups. If Martyr Soleimani had not made this bravery and sacrifices, how would the situation of the region be today?
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Official: Muslim states realize they cannot take refuge in criminals like USA
ahmad shirzadian