Israeli aggression targeted military sites in the western and eastern countryside of Homs, as the Syrian air defenses intercepted the missiles.

Iran PressMiddle East: Explosions were heard in the Bekaa Valley as a result of the Syrian air defenses' interception of the Zionist regime missiles in the vicinity of the city of Homs.

According to Arab media reports, in these attacks, Al-Dab'a airport, T4 airport, a military airport near Al-Qassir on the Lebanese border, and Al-Sheirat airport were targeted by air and missile attacks of the Zionist regime.

A Syrian military source, whose name was not mentioned, said that five soldiers were wounded in the attacks.

This is the third aggression of the Zionist regime on Syrian territory in the last four days.

The Zionist regime sources and media claimed that the positions of Iranian-backed militias were heavily targeted in Sunday morning attacks.

The Syrian government has repeatedly sent letters to the United Nations and the UN Security Council, condemning these attacks and calling for the cessation of the attacks.