Why it matters:
The Islamic Revolution was based on a motto of "Independence, Freedom, Islamic Republic". The Islamic Revolution seeks independence because it wants to maintain the Iranian nation's dignity and freedom from any dictatorship and foreign intervention in Iran's domestic affairs.
What he's saying:
Esmail Baghaei wrote in his X: "The steadfast faith and reliance of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the people's support and their independent will to determine the country's destiny is the fruit of the blessed Revolution".
Baghaei writes the post as he flashes back to a part of Iran's oral history project at Harward University. In Vol. 13 (pp. 610-611) of the project, General Hassan Toufanian, the commanding officer of Iran's flight academy under the Shah of Iran.
"I said: Your Majesty, you have decided to go. Where are you going? His Majesty told me: They [the U.S.] tasked us. The words I utter are the truth: "They tasked us."
Go deeper:
The Islamic Revolution was not only a movement that led to Iran's independence from foreigners and dictators but also inspired other nations to seek independence and dignity.
Victory of Islamic Revolution: Celebrating Independence and Inspiring Freedom-Seeking
Iran's Islamic Revolution influences South African Struggle Against Apartheid
Spirit of 22 Bahman Celebrations; From Where It Springs?
Mohammad Kazemi
seyed mohammad kazemi