The big picture:
As in past years, Iran commemorated the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution's victory with a ceremony at its Embassy in Moscow. Russian officials and diplomats from various countries attended the event. This celebration occurs amid the global order's ongoing transition from a monopolar to a multipolar system. The strengthening of Iran-Russia cooperation has been particularly evident following the signing of the Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.
Despite all the pressures exerted by the world's arrogant powers, 46 years after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Iran is an independent, powerful, and peace-loving country. Thanks to its Leader's guidance and people's efforts, Iran has achieved high status in diverse fields such as the economy, healthcare, science and technology, education and literacy, human rights, security, and defense.
What they're saying:
Iranian Ambassador to Mosco Kazem Jalali: "Iran has adopted a balanced view strategy in foreign policy, focusing on intelligent engagement with the world in response to the influence of emerging powers and new mechanisms shaping the global order.
Russian Minister of Energy Sergei Tsivilev: The Islamic Revolution 46 years ago was one of the most important events of the twentieth century, giving new impetus to the development of Iran as a free and independent country.
Go deeper:
Spirit of 22 Bahman Celebrations; From Where It Springs?
46th Reflection of Islamic Revolution Victory in World's Media
Mohammad Kazemi
seyed mohammad kazemi