Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif on Friday strongly criticized 'US moral bankruptcy', referring to a confession by the country's nominee for secretary of state on Iran's peaceful nuclear program.

U.S. moral bankruptcy on full display in CIA chief's admission of U.S. policy: in the past Iran was sanctioned over false claims that it sought nuclear weapons. Now, sanctions must be reimposed because we seek no nukes?' Zarif wrote on his twitter page on Friday in reaction to the statements by the nominee of the US secretary of state.

CIA chief and President Trump's nominee to become the next secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, appeared before the Senate Foreign Relations committee on Thursday.

Pompeo told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee there was no evidence the Iranians had violated the nuclear deal. 

'Iran wasn't racing to a weapon before the deal. There is no indication that I'm aware of that if the deal no longer existed that they would immediately turn to racing to create a nuclear weapon today,' he told the committee.

Iran and the major world powers signed the nuclear agreement in 2015, under which Iran accepted to curb its nuclear program in exchange for economic sanctions relief.

Despite frequent reports by UN nuclear watchdog on Iran's full compliance with the deal, Presidet Trump has vowed to kill it unless 'disasterous flaws are fixed'.