The ambassador and permanent representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations said that the UN should remain united against the attempt to accept Islamophobia and actions such as banning Muslim travel, burning the holy Quran, and banning the hijab and Islamic symbols.

Iran Press/America: The ambassador and permanent representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Amir Saied Iravani said: 'Allow me to reiterate our full support for the initiative proposed by the members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to undertake follow-up measures to address the growing trend of intolerance and prejudice against Islam and Muslims worldwide, which is a daunting challenge to the international community."

He added: "Over the past few decades, harmful stereotypes and prejudices regarding Muslims and Islam have been constantly reinforced by certain media outlets, politicians, and influencers of popular culture; And numerous discriminatory practices implemented in various parts of the world, aimed at preventing Muslims from living under their belief system."

In such a critical moment, it is important to ensure that the United Nations remains united against attempts to embrace Islamophobia, such measures as Muslim travel bans, burning the Quran, and bans on the hijab and Muslim symbols, Iran's senior diplomat reiterated. 

Iravani went on to add: "We are of the firm belief that the proposed arrangements in the draft resolution, including the decision to appoint a United Nations Special Envoy to combat Islamophobia will assist the organization, in mobilizing efforts to combat these overgrowing challenges; Equally important, it is necessary for this Assembly to strongly condemn violent acts against religious symbols and the holy book of Muslims. The General Assembly already recognizes the desecration of the Holy books as a violation of international law, and it is deeply offensive and disrespectful."

He continued: "These are indeed acts of incitement, hostility, and violence that shall be criminalized and prohibited by law at national levels, to prevent and establish accountability for such acts. Unfortunately, such acts occur in countries that claim the establishment and enforcement of the rule of law; it is reprehensible that such actions are justified under the guise of freedom of expression. We regret that despite the best efforts of the OIC to garner consensus, the Member States of the European Union have tabled amendments, which directly affect the core objectives of the draft resolution aimed at combating Islamophobia worldwide."

Iran aligns its position with the OIC members and strongly objects to these amendments and urges entire members to vote against them, Iravani emphasized.

Iran's representative to the UN concluded: "We will continue to demand all Member States shoulder their responsibilities and live up to their legal obligations to advance the shared values of peaceful coexistence, tolerance, and mutual understanding. Let us keep striving for justice, dignity, and inclusion for our Muslim brothers and sisters and all humankind." 


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Int'l. diplomatic conference held in Moscow against desecration of Holy Quran

Ashkan Salehian