Iran Press/ Iran News: The list included China, Russia, Turkey, Brazil, Spain, the US, France, Iran, Canada, Britain, Germany, Pakistan, and Italy.
According to the Islamic World Science Citation Database (ISC) on Sunday, Mohammad Javad Dehghani stated: "The information extracted from the ISC COVID-19 Visualizer System shows patients' population infected with coronavirus reached 280,000 in November and then to 330,000 in December from about 120,000 in October. This number declined, reaching fewer than 184,000 people in January."
He noted: "In September 2020, an average of 2,500 people a day, in October about 4,500 people, in November about 9,400 people, in December about 11,000 people a day and in January 6,100 people a day were added to the total number of patients; thus the increasing trend of the average daily growth rate of patients in the country, which started in September from 0.59% and reached 0.84% in October, and 1.41% in November, at last, stopped in December, reaching 1.13 percent. This amount also decreased to 0.5 percent in January."
The caretaker of the Islamic World Science Citation Database pointed out: "The disease's average daily growth rate reached its lowest level since the beginning of the disease outbreak in the country. Thus, in terms of average disease growth rate, Iran is among 13 countries where COVID-19 has been spreading simultaneously. Iran is placed at the bottom of the table, and this is regarded as a record."
Dehghani added: "If the trend of the outbreak continued according to the average growth of December (average: 1.13 percent daily), by the end of January, the infected population of the country would reach more than one million and 700 thousand people, but as a result of planning and the restrictions, this amount reached 1,342,000 people."
He also said that a significant decrease in the average daily growth rate of the disease from 1.13 percent in December to 0.5 percent in January had been seen, while this rate is increasing for some countries, including Britain, France, and Spain.
According to studies, among the countries with a high affected population in terms of average daily growth rate, Iran stood at tenth place in the table in December, which decreased by 11 steps in January, standing at 21st place.
The caretaker of the Islamic World Science Citation Database stated that the increasing trend of the country's average daily death rate had decreased significantly since December and January. The average daily death rate increased to 0.6% in September, 0.83% in October, and 1.13% in November. This trend decreased to 0.67% in December and to 0.21% in January, which is the country's lowest average growth rate since the beginning of the outbreak.
Dehghani added: "Iran was standing at the eighth place in terms of the average daily death rate among the countries with a high population in December, which placed 23rd place in January with a 15-step decrease of its place."
The Islamic World Science Citation Database (ISC), to expedite the process of informing about new scientific findings of COVID-19 and help researchers, health policymakers, and responding optimally to the global epidemic, has launched the ISC COVID-19 Visualizer System since the beginning of the disease.
This database includes the latest full-text scientific articles published, pre-published, and statistics on the prevalence of the disease based on the world map of the COVID-19 pandemic status. By searching in it, the latest statistics on morbidity, mortality, treatment and infected population rates by country and comparison based on time-place chart can be seen.
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ahmad shirzadian