Urmia(IP)-The 43rd edition of the Pahlavan Takhti International Freestyle Wrestling Competition was held with the participation of athletes from Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran in the Ghadir Arena of Urmia, the capital of West Azerbaijan province.

Iran PressIran news: The 43rd international freestyle wrestling competition of the Palavan Takhti Cup was held for two days (May 25 and 26, 2023) and Iran became the champion with 230 points.

West Azerbaijan (Iranian national youth team) entitled as the champion with 139 points and Iraq and Afghanistan with 10 points each in the 43rd international freestyle wrestling competition of the Pahlavan Takhti Cup won the next titles respectively.


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Iran wins 3rd place at Asian wrestling C'ship 2023

Farhad Nayeb
Photographer: Najib Abdemajdi
Photographer: Najib Abdemajdi
Photographer: Najib Abdemajdi
Photographer: Najib Abdemajdi
Photographer: Najib Abdemajdi
Photographer: Najib Abdemajdi
Photographer: Najib Abdemajdi
Photographer: Najib Abdemajdi
Photographer: Najib Abdemajdi
Photographer: Najib Abdemajdi
Photographer: Najib Abdemajdi
Photographer: Najib Abdemajdi
Photographer: Najib Abdemajdi
Photographer: Najib Abdemajdi
Photographer: Najib Abdemajdi
Photographer: Najib Abdemajdi
Photographer: Najib Abdemajdi
Photographer: Najib Abdemajdi
Photographer: Najib Abdemajdi