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The UN Human Rights Council has concluded its general debate on human rights situations that require the Council’s attention, particularly with regards to Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.

Iran Press/Middle East: During the meeting speakers expressed concern about egregious human rights violations in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, Iran Press reported.

ADHRB accuses Saudi Arabia & Bahrain of crimes against human rights defenders

Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain Inc raised the issue of impunity in the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council.

According to ADHRB, high-ranking officials in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain committed crimes against human rights defenders. Rulers were directly threatening human rights defenders on public television. Impunity was prevalent in Saudi Arabia and the Crown Prince was responsible for the murder of Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

ICSFH slams Riyadh for gross violations of human rights

Meanwhile, the International Council Supporting Fair Trial & Human Rights said that there were gross violations of human rights in Saudi Arabia. The murder of journalists, torture and detention, and the violation of women’s rights were all violations of human rights which were common occurrences in Saudi Arabia.

International Council Supporting Fair Trial & Human Rights stated that Yemenis are suffering under the Saudi-led and USA backed military coalition’s blockade, where millions of people are food insecure and facing starvation, as well as indiscriminate aerial bombardment. Horrific human rights abuses, as well as war crimes, are being committed throughout the country by the Saudi-led and USA backed military coalition, causing unbearable suffering for hundreds of thousands of Yemeni civilians.


Read more:

Iran considers fake supporters of human rights, responsible for Yemenis massacre

Yemeni People and Children slaughtering by US weapons: Ansarullah Leader