IP -leader of the Iraqi National Wisdom Movement, met with elders, sheiks, and prominent figures from Wasit province in eastern Iraq to discuss the recently announced ceasefire agreement between Lebanon and the Israeli regime.

Iran Press/West Asia: Hakim remarked that the ceasefire in Lebanon reflects the legendary resilience of the Lebanese and Islamic resistance and that the extent of the Israeli regime's losses compelled its acceptance of the truce.

He explained that countries achieve victory by reaching their goals, while revolutionary movements succeed by preventing the enemy from accomplishing theirs.

The leader of the Iraqi National Wisdom Movement stated that the Israeli regime has neither released its prisoners nor returned refugees and has failed to impose any conditions on the resistance forces.

He asserted that the regime's destruction reflects its barbarity and that the true situation will unfold over time.

Hakim emphasized that Iraq offers political, media, and humanitarian support to the Lebanese and Palestinian nations and urged for a balance between aiding oppressed nations in the region and maintaining stability in Iraq.


samira akbari