Tehran (IP) – The Governor of Pakdast, south of Tehran, said European countries, Persian Gulf states, and neighboring countries order flowers that are produced by gardeners in Pakdasht.

Iran PressIran News: In an exclusive interview with Iran press on Tuesday, Hadi Tamhidi highlighted the 50-year background of Pakdasht in producing flowers and said currently the region enjoys over 1,200 hectares under cultivation that annually yield over 1 billion branches of different flowers.

Tamhidi said about 50% of the country's flowers are produced in Pakdasht, and up to 90% of the flowers in Tehran province are also produced by the city, noting some of the producers export their products to different countries.

The exporting flowers include roses the producers sell to countries such as Germany, and even some local producers buy them and ultimately provide them to the target countries, he explained.

Still, the official reported another 100-hectare area in Pakdasht to be built as greenhouses for growing flowers shortly.

He referred to the scientific research cooperation between the flower-producers and scientific centers and said that producing flowers through the implantation method, considering it as an opportunity to save currency for the country.


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Hossein Vaez