"An elder brother of our MP has been killed by PKK supporters. This incident is an obvious example depicting the PKK and the HDP's strategy to grow with the Kurds' blood",Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an said on Thursday.
We have no problem with our Kurdish brothers, but we have a problem with the PKK. I believe that our Kurdish brothers will spoil their game," Erdo?an said.
Meanwhile, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said on Thursday that there are police records that the perpetrators or suspects are PKK sympathizers.
Earlier on Thursday, members of the ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party were attacked in Sanliurfa province while they were campaigning for the upcoming elections.
Health Minister Ahmet Demircan said MP Ibrahim Halil Yildiz was the target but he survived the attack.
However, his older brother Mehmet Ali Yildiz died after succumbing to his wounds at the hospital.
Sanliurfa Governorship said in a statement that Yildiz, accompanied by a group of people, was visiting tradesmen in the center of Suruc district as part of his election campaign.
“Three people died and nine others were injured when a discussion turned into a fight,” the statement added.
Two of the injured are in critical condition, the statement added.
This April, the parliament passed a bill for early elections on June 24, cementing Turkey’s move to a presidential system.
PKK has been responsible for the deaths of more than 1,200 Turkish security personnel and civilians, including a number of women and children.