IRGC commander:

Tehran (IP) - Commander of the Central Headquarters of Khatam al-Anbiya says enemies should refrain from testing the willpower and strength of Iran's army and IRGC.

Iran PressIran News: Addressing the army commanders in the Zulfiqar-99 joint drills area which will start tomorrow on the Makran coast, Major General Gholam-Ali Rashid, Commander of the Central Headquarters of Khatam-al-Anbiya noted that it is a source of pride to see the capabilities and combat readiness of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The top commander went on to say that the army, after fourteen years and facing the security crises of the beginning of the revolution and then eight years of Holy Defense (Iran-Iraq war), has the proper combat power and ability to respond to threats very well.

Major General Rashid went on to say that the Iranian youth have built the foundation of the country's defense power on the basis of Islamic culture, national historical and strategic heritage of the Holy Defense era to prevent the miscalculation of the invaders to this land.

The Commander of the Central Headquarters of Khatam al-Anbiya also stated: "For us, the forces of the army and IRGC, it is an honor that today, the enemies, instead of being happy and opportunistic in taking advantage of our defense weaknesses and vulnerabilities after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, are in fear of the authority of Iranian forces."


Read more:

Main stages of Zulfiqar-99 joint drill to begin tomorrow: army commander


Farhad Nayeb