Varnakesh (IP)- The Iranian government spokesman visited the areas inflicted by the earthquake and sympathized with people of the area.

Iran PressIran news: Ali Rabiei on Monday morning paid a visit to the quake-hit area of Varankesh in East Azerbaijan Province, North West of Iran to supervise the process of rescue and resettlement. 

Visiting earthquake resettlement emergency tents, Rabiei also expressed his condolences to the families and relatives of victims in Varankesh.

It is reported that the weekly Press Conference of Ali Rabiei will be held in the quake-hit area of Varnakesh this week.

A 5.9 magnitude earthquake hit the city of Tark in Mianeh, East Azerbaijan Province of Iran on Friday morning. At least 6 people killed and 500 others injured in this quake.

Iran's national military and other officials are currently present in the earthquake-affected areas.

Rabiei said several banks will grant considerable facilities to the earthquake affected areas in East Azerbaijan province.

The government spokesman also referred to the earthquake's damage to village farmers Varnakesh said allowance will be paid for the restoration of destroyed livestock.


Read More:

Iranian official: 1800 earthquake-hit residential units should be reconstructed

Photo: Earthquake damage in Varankesh village, northwestern Iran

Leader expresses sympathy for people of quake-stricken areas of East Azerbaijan


Ashkan Salehian
Photo by: Vahid Pourrazm
Photo by: Vahid Pourrazm
Photo by: Vahid Pourrazm
Photo by: Vahid Pourrazm
Photo by: Vahid Pourrazm
Photo by: Vahid Pourrazm
Photo by: Vahid Pourrazm
Photo by: Vahid Pourrazm