Buenos Aires (IP) - After a day of extreme tension and serious incidents in the city of Buenos Aires, the 'Bases Law' was approved in the Senate.

Iran PressAmerica: This Wednesday, June 12, starting at 9 a.m., social organizations, human rights groups, neighborhood assemblies, and unions marched in Buenos Aires to protest against the Bases Law, a legislative proposal promoted by  Javier Milei, president of Argentina.

The protesters marched towards the surroundings of the National Congress, and there were a series of disturbances and incidents throughout the afternoon and part of the night as attendees showed total rejection of the law promoted by the government.

Police in Buenos Aires have used water cannons and teargas to tackle violent protests as Argentina’s Senate narrowly voted to approve the first set of harsh austerity measures proposed by President Javier Miliei.

Dozens of protesters were treated by medics in the streets and police said 20 officers had been injured in the clashes. At least five opposition lawmakers said they were hospitalized after police pepper sprayed them.

This law proposes to reorganize and restructure various areas of the State and the Argentine economy, such as privatizing state-owned companies, simplifying the State, and ensuring Judicial Independence.

“This measure affects my colleagues, it means that around 20 to 30 thousand colleagues will end up on the street. This law is the destruction of labor laws; with this measure, there will be no more jobs, but more abuse,” declared Raúl Vázquez, a representative of Customs Brokers workers.

For his part, Roberto Álvarez, a member of the national executive committee of AEFIP, a union of AFIP, said: “The demonstration is to concentrate against the law that the government intends to carry out. It is a regulation that harms the Argentine people as a whole, and especially the workers. Those who have the least will have to pay, and it only benefits those with economic concentration.”

The vote ended 36 to 36, and the tie was broken by Vice President Victoria Villarruel.

As of the close of this edition, the extensive articles began to be addressed. There were rumors that chapters such as the return of the income tax, among others, would be dropped.

Beyond that, the projects will have to return to the House of Deputies, where the ruling party may insist on its original version.