Damascus slams Caesar Act of US

The Syrian Foreign Ministry strongly condemned the US brutal and hostile actions against Syria through what is called the 'Caesar Act'.

Iran PressMiddle East: Stressing that the so-called 'Caser Act' has been developed based on the enemies' baseless claims against Syria, the Syrian Foreign Ministry in a Wednesday statement asserted that the US' imposing such an act is a violation of Human Rights and humanitarian international laws. 

The Syrian Foreign Ministry called the economic terrorism as one of the other aspects of terrorism that is shedding the blood of innocent Syrians and destroying their hard-earned achievements; achievements which have been paid for with the blood of the Syrian people.   

The statement emphasized that the Syrians will fight with all their might against the US' oppressive actions, asserting that the US has failed on the battlefield, and their mercenaries -the terrorist groups- will fail against the Syrian people's resistance.

The US Congress passed Caesar Law in 2019 and enforced it from the beginning of June.

With this new legislation the US government seeks to further tighten already severe sanctions on Syrian institutions and individuals, putting them under pressure and harming Syria's allies as they are reconstructing the country. 

Supporting terrorists, the United States has targeted Syria with all kinds of sanctions since 2011.

The crisis in Syria began in 2011 with a massive offensive of the terrorist groups backed by the US, Saudi Arabia, and their allies to change the regional equations in favor of the Israeli regime.


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