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Bandar Abbas (IP) - After an 87-day deployment overseas, Iran’s 81st flotilla, which includes Alborz Destroyer and the Bushehr Support Ship, returned home.

Iran PressIran news: Iran has been deploying various navy flotillas overseas to maintain maritime security. Last year, Iran’s 75th flotilla, which includes the Makran forward base ship and the Sahand destroyer, finished a 133-day mission after traveling 45,000 kilometers across three oceans, passing through 55 countries on three continents, and transmitting the message of peace and friendship from Iran. It crossed the Indian Ocean and sailed around Africa before reaching the Atlantic Ocean, where it docked. 

The Commander of Iran’s Navy Rear-Admiral Shahram Irani says the Navy has been able to be present with up-to-date equipment to create safety and security at sea despite all the pressures of the enemies.

Attending the welcoming ceremony of the 81st Navy Intelligence-Combat Fleet sent to international waters, Rear-Admiral Irani stated that any vessel that is in a state of emergency and asks for help, Iran’s Navy would be the first acting force on the scene.

The 81st Navy Intelligence-Combat flotilla, consisting of the Alborz Destroyer and the Bushehr Support Ship, passed 8,200 nautical miles and spent 87 days on a mission to gain maritime dominance protect Iran’s resources in distant waters and secure shipping lanes in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea.

The fleet was welcomed on Sunday by the commanders of the Iranian Navy and the families of the personnel sent to the mission and docked in Bandar Abbas, southern Iran.


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