Iran chief negotiator:
Lifting sanctions; Iran's criterion to find West intention for talks

"We should be offered a clear and transparent mechanism to ensure that sanctions will be removed ... We will now find out whether or not the West has the will to enter real negotiations," Iranian deputy foreign minister and chief negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani wrote in an article published in Financial Times.

Iran PressIran news: This week, Iran and five global powers gathered in Vienna for so-called "nuclear negotiations." This same term — which refers to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreement — is rife with error.

Western countries, particularly the US, work tirelessly to portray "negotiations" as merely a process to restrict Iran's legitimate and peaceful nuclear program, which is enshrined in international treaties and watched by oversight organizations. However, from Iran's perspective, "negotiations" must pursue fundamental objectives, observed by all parties.

In this vein, we have two goals: The first is to gain a complete, guaranteed, and verifiable removal of the sanctions that have been imposed on the Iranian people. Without this, the process will continue indefinitely. "Negotiations" without an airtight solution benefit no one.

Related News: the US must lift sanctions at once, not step-for-step: MFA Spox

The second is to facilitate the legal rights of the Iranian nation to benefit from peaceful nuclear knowledge, especially the all-important enrichment technology for industrial purposes, according to the terms of the international Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

Previous attempts to close the "trust gap" between parties of the nuclear talks have failed mainly because the West regards any agreement solely as an established platform from which to launch more pressure against Iran. In English, you call it "moving the goalposts." 

This is the crux of the dispute that has forced us, six years after the initial agreement, to the table yet again. We will be starting these new discussions under the circumstances influenced by the unfortunate fate of the JCPOA when US President Donald Trump unilaterally decided to abandon this deal. This was a terrible betrayal of trust for Iran and Iranians.

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US hijacked the JCPOA.

Experience tells us that the West does not seek to implement a deal. Instead, it aims to score public perception points by announcing one while stealthily "dis-implementing" the agreement in every possible way. From our experience, this is followed by actions to "hijack" the JCPOA platform to force Iran to make more concessions in areas unrelated to the nuclear issue. As a result, the Iranian people trust neither the process nor its outcome.

It would be naive to attribute these problems solely to the Trump administration and his "maximum pressure campaign." Constant US efforts to deny Iran any economic benefits for reducing its nuclear activities are why many once-passionate Iranian defenders of the agreement have now changed their minds: they no longer trust either its tangible benefits or its intent. Donald Trump merely removed the velvet gloves from the cast-iron hand of the previous US administration. 

A deal is a deal, breaking it has consequences: Bagheri says

From our viewpoint, past blunders should not be repeated. We have all, respectively, learned what and who can be trusted over the past six years. To ensure any forthcoming agreement is ironclad, the West needs to pay the price for failing to uphold its part of the bargain. As in any business, a deal is a deal and breaking it has consequences.

Iran remains committed to the process, and we will adhere to our commitments. From our perspective, the principle of "mutual compliance" cannot form a proper base for negotiations since the US government unilaterally left the deal. THEREFORE, the US should demonstrate that it is serious this time and that it possesses the necessary competence to fulfill its commitments.

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In Iran's recent presidential elections, voters invested their confidence in a paradigm that espouses a more realistic engagement with the West. Actions now matter more than mere words. We should be offered a clear and transparent mechanism to ensure that sanctions will be removed. For what other conceivable reason would we compromise regarding Iran's technological advances and nationally-precious domestic nuclear program?

Iran did not succumb to either military threats, economic sanctions, or "maximum pressure" under Trump, and it will not do so under Biden. To secure the rights and interests of our nation, we are ready for a fair and careful discussion based on the principles of "guarantee" and "verification." This must prioritize compensation for the violation of the deal, which includes the removal of all post-JCPOA sanctions.

Related News: Lift all sanctions, or nuclear talks will fail: Bagheri-Kani warns the US

In return, Iran is ready to voluntarily fulfill its nuclear commitments in accordance with the agreement. We remain prepared to react proportionately to any pressure and reciprocate any goodwill gesture.

We have made our choice. We will now find out whether or not the West has the will to enter genuine negotiations.



Hossein Vaez