Aban 13 says take back your right even from White House

Commentary (IP) - Aban 13 (November 4) in Iran's calendar taught the world's oppressed to stand against the arrogant powers and take back their rights seized by the colonialists, even from the White House.

Iran Presscommentary: From the winter of 1978 to the fall of 1979, the US Embassy in Tehran had overtly turned into the command center for espionage and sabotage operations against the fledgling Islamic Republic of Iran.

By the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the US-backed Shah of Iran had escaped from the country and burglarized the national properties, letting them out of the country.

However, the US embassy was seized by the Iranian students when the US ignored the legitimate demand of the Iranian people for the return of the fugitive Shah and the confiscated Iranian property and assets.

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The US even provided ample opportunities for the fugitive elements to establish their organization against the Revolution.

On November 4, 1979, the US Embassy building in Tehran was seized by a group of protesting students, where they found a great deal of the documents hastily shredded.

Anyway, the student scrutinized the shredded papers and the evidence showed that there was no doubt the US Embassy was the center of guidance and support for many of the conspiracies against the Islamic Republic.

The memory of the coup of August 28, 1943, which led to the consolidation of the American domination over Iran for 25 years, was still new in the historical memory of the Iranian people, indelibly hatched on their minds.

"Den of Espionage" then was the name the student chose for the US Embassy.

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Since the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran until the capture of the US Embassy in Tehran, the American diplomats stationed in the den spared no effort to topple the fledgling Islamic Republic of Iran.

Keeping in contact with the anti-Revolution groups abroad, supporting coup networks and subversion groups within the country, funding terrorist groups in west and east of the country, which led to the explosion of oil pipelines and insecurity in Kurd-inhabited areas were a number of missions the US administration had assigned to its operatives in their Tehran-based embassy. 

Then-time Leader of the Islamic Revolution Imam Khomeini described the capture of the US embassy as the "Second Revolution": "You see, now the center of American corruption has been seized by the youth, and also arrested the Americans who were there, and took the control of that den of corruption, and the United States can do nothing wrong, and the young people can be sure that America can do nothing wrong."

The very US embassy today is the headquarters of Iran's Student Basij Organization for the country's universities.

Young Basijies say the next destination is the White House. 


Read more:

Leader: Nov. 4, symbol of resistance against global arrogance