Iranians living in different countries such as Russia, Turkey, South Korea, Azerbaijan, and Iraq attending the polling stations to cast their ballot for the 13th presidential elections.

Iran PressAsiaThe ballot boxes opened at 8 AM local time at the School of Iranian residents in Azerbaijan capital, Baku, and the Consulate General of Iran in the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan.

The voting process will take long until 6 PM local time. 

Iran's Ambassador to Baku Seyyed Abbas Mousavi and the Representative of the Leader of Islamic Revolution Ali Akbar Ojagh Nejad to the country cast their votes in the first hours of the voting process. 

The Consul General of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Ahmad Hosseini, also announced that all conditions had prepared for the 13th presidential election in Nakhchivan under health protocols.


Simultaneously with the presidential election in Iran, six polling stations consisting of 14 ballot boxes are opened for Iranians living in Iraq.

Two polling stations in Baghdad, including a fixed ballot box and a mobile ballot box, 2 ballot boxes in Karbala (1 fixed and 1 mobile), 2 ballot boxes in Najaf (1 fixed and 1 mobile), 2 ballot boxes in Basra (1 fixed and 1 mobile), 3 ballot boxes in Erbil (1 fixed and 2 mobiles), and 3 ballot boxes in Sulaimaniyah (1 fixed and 2 mobiles) had prepared to facilitate the voting process.


Iranians living in Serbia also have participated in the 13th presidential election of Iran since 8 am local time on Friday at the polling station set up at the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Belgrade.

Iran's ambassador to Serbia, Rashid Hassanpour, said the polling station at the Iranian embassy in Belgrade would be open from 8 am to 6 pm on Friday and extended if necessary so that no Iranian citizen would be deprived of the right to vote.


Ballot boxes were set up in Armenian for the Iranians to vote for Iran's 13th presidential election.

The Iranian ballot boxes were opened at Iran's Consulate in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, at 9 Am local time. The voting process is underway and will be run for 10 hours. 

Iran's Ambassador to Armenia Abbas Zohouri highlighted the importance of the elections in the Islamic Republic system and described it as one of the important supports for the system. 

Iranians living in Armenia, who also took part in the voting, declared that participating in the elections was a religious and national duty.


The voting process for the 13th presidential election of Iran is underway in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Iran's Consul General in Kazakhstan, Mohsen Faghani, said that the 13th presidential election in Almaty, Kazakhstan, began Friday morning.


Voting for the 13th presidential election of Iran in England began at 9 a.m. local time at 11 polling stations in seven cities, including London.

A total of 12 ballot boxes are stationed at 11 polling stations in England, of which six are in London (including two ballot boxes at the consular section of Iran's embassy) and six other in other British cities, including Manchester, Birmingham, Newcastle, Glasgow, Leeds, and Cardiff.

The voting process will continue until 19:00 local time. If necessary and at the discretion of the Executive Board, it will be possible to extend the voting time for a limited time in some polling stations.

Voters must wear masks and observe social distance when attending polling stations due to regulations controlling COVID spread in the UK.


Voting for the 13th presidential election began at 7:30 a.m. local time with Iranians living in Sweden in the three cities of Stockholm, Lund, and Gothenburg.

Ahmad Masoumifar, the Iranian ambassador to Sweden, said, "Elections are a manifestation of democracy, and Iranians everywhere in the world feel responsible for their own destiny."



New Delhi

Kuala Lumpur


Iranians living in Tunisia today participated in the presidential election at the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Tunisian capital, along with the people of Iran and several countries around the world.

According to Saeed Khatibzadeh, spokesman for the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the presidential election is underway in 134 countries with 234 ballot boxes simultaneously with Iran.

According to him, there are no ballot boxes for election in Canada (due to the opposition of the government of that country), Yemen (due to the siege), and Singapore (due to the coronavirus pandemic).

In addition to the families of the members of the diplomatic mission of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, many Iranian citizens and institutions based in Tunisia also participated in the presidential election.


Iranian residents in the United States went to the polls at 8 am local time to elect the 8th president of Iran.

Simultaneous with the 13th presidential election in Iran, a total of 29 polling stations have been set up in 19 states and Washington DC, with the cooperation of NGO groups so that the Iranian residents in the United States can cast their ballots and determine the fate of their country for the next four years.

Residing Iranians in Canada who do not have a ballot box in that country due to the lack of cooperation of the federal government in holding the Iranian election can go to the border town of Buffalo and participate in the election, linking their determination to the national will of the Iranian people.

South Africa

The voting process for the 13th Iranian presidential election continues in three cities of South Africa.

Voting for the 13th presidential election continues in three major South African cities, including Pretoria, Johannesburg, and Cape Town.


Iranian residents in the UK are taking part in the 13th Iranian presidential election.

The turnout in the Iranian presidential election at the British Islamic Center in London is more enthusiastic than in any other polling station in the country.


Iranian residents in The Hague, Netherlands, cast their votes to determine Iran's next president for four years.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Iranian residents in Bosnia and Herzegovina are taking part in the Iranian presidential election.

Iran's 13th presidential election began at 8 am local time today at the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Iranians living in Bosnia and Herzegovina can go to the polling station at Iran's embassy in Sarajevo from 8 am to 6 pm on Friday.


The 13th Iranian Presidential Election is underway in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan.

The process of holding the 13th Presidential Election at the Iranian embassy in Uzbekistan has started at 8 a.m. local time with the participation of Iranian compatriots.

There is only one ballot box at the Iranian embassy in Tashkent.


Iranians living in Minsk, cast their votes in two ballot boxes, one at the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the capital of Belarus and the other at the dormitory of the Medical University.

During Iran's presidential election in Belarus, voters cast their ballots following health protocols.

The election has been widely covered by the Belarusian state media.


The 13th round of the Iranian presidential election was held today in the consular section of Iran's embassy in Bucharest.

Voting started at 8 am and continued until 7 pm local time.

According to Saeed Khatibzadeh, spokesman for the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the presidential election is underway simultaneously with Iran in 134 countries with 234 ballot boxes.

According to him, there are no ballot boxes for election in Canada (due to the opposition of the government of that country), Yemen (due to the siege), and Singapore (due to the coronavirus pandemic).

Iran's 2021 presidential elections have started nationwide and also in foreign countries, with nearly 60 million Iranians eligible to vote for one of four candidates running.

Polls opened at 07:00 am local time on Friday, June 18, and will run until 10:00 pm on Saturday, according to the statement by the interior ministry. The election will be extended until 12:00 am, if necessary.

City council, midterm parliamentary, and Assembly of Experts elections are underway simultaneously with the presidential vote.


Read More:

Iranians abroad vote for Iran's 13th presidential election.

Ali Akbar khandan