Damascus (IP) - The 9th International Conference of "Mujahideen in Exile" was held in Damascus, the capital of Syria, with the presence of political, religious, and media personalities and resistance groups.

Iran Press/West Asia: Under the title, “The Role of the Martyred Leaders in Supporting the Resistance and the Mujahideen in exile”, the Iranian Cultural Center in Damascus organized the Ninth edition of the Mujahideen in Exile Conference in Damascus.

Syrian officials, intellectual figures, and Palestinian Resistance leaders attended the conference and highlighted the depth of the strategic insight of the late resistance leaders.Hossein Akbari, Iran's ambassador to Syria, participated in the meeting and said that the victory of the resistance axis in the countries of the region, including Palestine, is the result of the blood of martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the path of truth and justice.Iran's ambassador to Syria emphasized that martyred leaders like Ebrahim Raisi, and Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, the former foreign minister of Iran, played an important role in defending Palestine and Gaza against the Zionist regime.


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