Tehran (IP) - In a meeting with the head of the political office of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), the Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran emphasized that God's promise to wipe out the Zionist regime will be fulfilled.

Iran PressIran news: On behalf of the state and people of Palestine, Ismail Haniyeh expressed his condolences to Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei and the people of Iran for the loss of Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and their companions in the tragic helicopter crash.

In this meeting, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran appreciated the Palestinian nation, especially the people of Gaza, for expressing their sympathy, congratulated and condoled the martyrdom of Haniyeh's children, and praised the patience of the head of the political office of Hamas.

Referring to the extraordinary resistance of the people of Gaza, which has surprised the world, Ayatollah Khamenei said: "Who would have believed that one-day slogans in favor of Palestine would be raised at American universities and the flag of Palestine would be raised, and who would have believed that one day in Japan there would be demonstrations in favor of Palestine, the slogan "Death to Israel" should be chanted in Farsi."

Iran's Leader emphasized that in the future, events may happen in the Palestinian case that are unbelievable today.

Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, referring to the Quranic verses about the fulfillment of God's two promises to the mother of Prophet Moses (pbuh), added: "Now God's first promise about the Palestinian people has been fulfilled, and that is the victory of the people of Gaza who managed to dominate the large and powerful group of the US, NATO, the UK, and some other countries."

Ayatollah Imam Khamenei emphasized that the acting President Mohammad Mokhber, who is responsible for the country's executive affairs according to the constitution, will continue the late president's policies and directions regarding Palestine with the same motivation and spirit. 219

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