Google & Facebook collaborate with the Zionist Regime

The google and the face book collaborating with the Zionist regime to omit some 14 comments and posts written by the Palestinians on their networks dating back to 2018, said The Committee to Protect the Palestinian Journalists.

Iran PressMiddle East: The Committee to Protect the Palestinian Journalists has slammed the well-known companies of google, You Tube, Twitter and Facebook over knuckling under the Zionist pressure by omitting any subject related to Palestine, reported Iran press.

The Committee went on to stress that two companies of google and Facebook have omitted some 80 percent of the contents, demanded forcefully by the Israeli army's cyber unit.

The two-aforementioned companies have been repetitively deleting the personal web pages of the Palestinians as well as the page of the Palestinian news agencies over disclosing the crimes committed by the Zionist Regime.

Furthermore, the Arabic page of the Palestinian Information Center was also deleted by Facebook last October. 207

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