Indelible messages of the International Quds Day

Tehran (IP) - The illegitimate Israeli regime declaring its existence in 1948 began the occupation of Palestine by the displacement and expulsion of the Palestinian people from their land.

Iran PressIran news: During these years, the Palestinian people have suffered historic pain and oppression; and those who were trapped in the occupied territories, have been threatened, discriminated against, and humiliated for years, or they are under siege and widespread pressure and deprivation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

In this regard, two main strategic goals of ‘weakening the axis of resistance’ and ‘continuing the process of normalization of Israeli-Arab relations’ are the top priorities of the Israeli regime’s foreign policy.

Along with the Western countries and the Israeli regime, some reactionary Arab regimes of the region, with the aim of carrying out the sinister plan of the ‘deal of the century and in the framework of the ominous triangle of ‘Western, Arab and Hebrew’, have also launched a severe psychological and media operations.

The Zionists have been perused two major goals since the establishment of the fake Israeli regime in 1948:

The first goal was gaining legitimacy while being an occupier that they couldn’t manage to achieve it because the Palestinian resistance has challenged the legitimacy of the Israeli regime.

Goal number two was to dominate Al-Quds as the first Qibla for Muslims and to destroy the Islamic identity of this city and the land of Palestine. Al-Quds has been under Israeli occupation since 1967.

But the Justice-seeking thoughts of the Islamic Revolution do not tolerate such historic oppression.

Without any doubt, the justice-seeking views of the Islamic Revolution have created a new dialog which is called ‘Resistance against arrogance’.

Emphasizing the unity and cohesion of the Muslims in the region and all over the world is one of the important components that have had an undeniable role in the failure of the plan to divide Islamic lands and change the region’s geopolitics.

The last day of the holy month of Ramadan has been named the International Quds Day on the initiative of late Imam Khomeini (RH), the founder of the Islamic Revolution, emphasizing the justice-seeking thoughts of the Islamic Revolution.

The purpose of such naming is that it would turn to an all-encompassing uprising for the Islamic awakening and the support of Muslims and justice-seekers of the world for the rights of the oppressed nation of Palestine against global arrogance and international Zionism.

Such a big and brave move has shown that the Palestine cause and Al-Quds issue is the most important issue in the Islamic world.

This year, although the International Quds Day rallies are not going to be held due to the coronavirus epidemic and the need to observing the health protocols, the messages of this day are institutionalized as a symbol of the struggle against oppression and the denial of occupation throughout the region and the world.

The most important messages of the International Al-Quds Day are emphasizing the unity of the Islamic world and putting the fate of Palestine at the forefront of the problems of the Islamic world and helping to create hope among the oppressed people of Palestine.

In such a sensitive situation where the enemies with all their hidden and obvious conspiracies are seeking the complete occupation of Palestine and seeking to dominate the material and spiritual interests of West Asia, the historical and irreplaceable role of elites and thinkers in enlightening and guiding Islamic and human societies is undeniable.

Explaining the dimensions of plans such as the ‘Normalization of Relations’ and the ‘Deal of the Century’ and enlightenment about the effects and consequences of the process of compromise (Palestinian-Israeli Peace Process) and surrender is crucial. 

The elites of the Islamic world should try to raise the awareness of the Muslim Ummah in this regard and explain this important point that ‘Resistance’ is the only way to liberate the oppressed Palestinians.

Written by: Jamshid Aminzadeh

Translate: Zohreh Khazaie


Read more:

Int'l Quds Day: Symbol of the unity of the Islamic Ummah

Muslim world should pay more attention to Al-Quds



Zohre Khazaee