India (IP) - The founder of the Indian National Islamic Society says Imam Khomeini is a grand figure of the Islamic world who could present solutions to settle disputes among Muslims.

Iran PressAsia: Molana Afrouz Alam Qassemi, in an exclusive interview with Iran Press correspondent, said it was Imam Khomeini's strategy that all Muslims got united regardless of their social class, ethnicity, and belief.

"If this message is spread all over the world through speeches, articles, and virtual space with the efforts of Shia and Sunni scholars, constructive measures will be taken to shore up the unity of the Islamic world," he stressed. 

On the initiative of Imam Khomeini, Rabi al-Awwal, 12 to 17 (October 9 to 14) was named Unity Week.

Based on the Sunni Muslims' narration, 12 Rabi ul Awwal is the birthday of the Grand Prophet of Islam Muhammad (PBUH), and based on Shia Muslims' narration, 17 Rabi ul Awwal is the birthday of the Prophet. 


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Islamic Calligraphy Expo held in Pakistan in Unity Week

Farhad Nayeb