Caracas (IP) - The members of the Latin American Alba Coalition supported the Palestinian resistance against the Israeli regime's massacre of the people in Gaza.

Iran Press/America:  One year passed from October 7, 2023, when the Israeli regime launched an all-out war on Gaza in response to the Palestinian nation's defense of their territories; the Israeli war has led to the martyrdom of nearly 42,000 people in Gaza along with the destruction of the infrastructure

The members of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America, in Spanish, Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América (ALBA) condemned in a statement the Western states' silence and complicity in the Israeli regime's crime against Gaza, especially in recent year. 

The statement said that the Israeli regime's genocide of the Palestinians in recent years is an unjustifiable criminal act the destroying scope of which threatens the whole Middle East. 

ALBA member states praised and recognized the power of the Palestinian nation and their resistance against the US-backed Israeli regime's genocide in Gaza.

Despite passing 76 years of occupation, pain, death, and destruction of their property, the Palestinian resistance is more alive than ever.

Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, and Nicaragua are among the ten members of the Alba coalition in Latin America.


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Solidarity Gathering for Palestine Held in Caracas on Al-Aqsa Storm Anniversary

Picture: Supporters of Palestine March in Mexico