
Tehran(IP)- The Chief of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran stated that the organization has strategic role for both domestic and foreign investment.

Iran PressIran News: Unveiling ceremony of two home made technological products is being held with AEOI chief in attendance on Monday.

During the ceremony, Mohammad Eslami said: "We must move strongly and prepare the ground, in electricity and radiomedical via domestic and foreign investment."

He also added: "The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran is obliged to create 10,000 megawatts of new electricity through investment and internal and external finance."

AEOI chief went on to say that investing in the field is very risky, but it has many economic advantages because it is clean energy and the country needs it.

"The Atomic Energy Organization is obliged to move in the direction and its mechanism is provided," Eslami underscored.

 AEOI products for export, meet IAEA standards

The Chief of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran said that AEOI product can be exported because they are designed and manufactured based on the current standards and requirements of IAEA.


On the sidelines of the ceremony, Mohammad Eslami in response to Iran Press stated: "For foreign investment, and in the budget law for nuclear power plants, we have predicted domestic and foreign investment."


Read more:

AEOI chief: Iran diligently seeks to export nuclear products

Farhad Nayeb