Tehran (IP) - The press conference of the 16th edition of the Jalal Al Ahmad Literary Award is underway on Sunday, Dec.24, 2023, with the presence of Ali Ramezani, CEO of Iran Book and Literature House.

Iran PressIran news: The Jalal Al-Ahmad Literary Award examines the published works of the previous year in four categories: "long story and novel", "short story collection", "literary criticism" and "documentary", and the selected and deserving winners of the four sections are presented to the country's literary community. 

The Jalal Al-e Ahmad Literary Award is an Iranian literary award presented yearly since 2008. Every year, an award is given to the best Iranian authors on the birthday of the renowned Persian writer Jalal Al-e Ahmad. The top winner receives 110 Bahar Azadi gold coins (about $33,000), making it Iran's most lucrative literary award. 


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