Tehran (IP) - With the advent of Aban 30, the day of "National Hero" and the victory anniversary of the resistance front to stop the US-backed ISIS terrorist group's encroachment, the Islamic Revolution Research-Cultural Institute in Tehran is hosting the commemoration of National Hero Day and the 17th celebration of Jihad and Resistance Literature.

In this ceremony, Ayatollah Khamenei's epigrams on three books about the martyrs of the Resistance Front are unveiled, namely "Havato Daram" (I Care You), "Majid Barbari" and "Twenty Years and Three Days".

Previously, the Office of Preservation and Publication of the Works of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution announced the publication of the Leader's epigrams on six books with resistance literature theme, and these three books are among them.

"Havato Daram" is a narrative about the life of the Shrine Defender Martyr Morteza Abdallahi, which is written in 304 pages by Mohammad Rasul Mollahassani and published by Shahid Kazemi Publications.

"Majid Barbari" narrates the life story of martyr Majid Ghorbankhani, who became famous as "the freeman" among the Shrine Defenders. Kobari Khodabakhsh Dehaghi wrote the book in 152 pages and had it published by Darkhuein Publishing House.

Finally, "Twenty Years and Three Days" is the story of Shrine Defender  Mostafa Mousavi, which is written in 216 pages by Samaneh Khakbazan and published by Ravayat Fath Publications.

Simultaneously with this cultural event, other ceremonies will be held in 30 provinces of the country in which books related to the heroes of the resistance front will be appreciated.204

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