Isfahan (IP) - People of Isfahan have taken to the streets on Monday to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the 'Dey 9 Epic'.

Iran Press/Iran News: People of Isfahan gathered in Isfahan's Enghelab Square to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the historic Dey 9 epic.

During this gathering on Monday, the people of Isfahan chanted "Down with America" and "Down with Israel".

Iranians from all walks of life commemorate the December 30, 2009 rally (Dey 9 Epic) to mark the anniversary of epical rallies anniversary ten years ago when they expressed the nation's solidarity with Islamic Establishment.

Read More: 

Iran marks Dec. 30 nation-leader solidarity anniversary

Report: Dey 9 epic, the Day Iranian defended revolution in a massive rally


Ashkan Salehian
Dey 9 epic mass rally hold in Isfahan
Photo by Morteza Salehi
Photo by Morteza Salehi
Photo by Morteza Salehi
Photo by Morteza Salehi
Photo by Morteza Salehi
Photo by Morteza Salehi
Photo by Morteza Salehi
Photo by Morteza Salehi
Photo by Morteza Salehi
Dey 9 epic mass rally hold in Isfahan