President Hassan Rouhani also said that with JCPOA we prove that the propaganda that pictures Iran as a threat was a lie.
President described the government's goal in JCPOA as eliminating unjust sanctions against Iran and said: "If our goals in the JCPOA can be achieved without the United States, that's better. Otherwise, we will make our decision".
"After JCPOA, agriculture and health sectors improved", President Rouhani added.
He continued: "We have proved to the world that Iranophobia is a lie and Iran's use of atomic bomb are propaganda against the Iranian nation".
Stating that "JCPOA completely assures that Iran does not seek nuclear weapons," President Rouhani continued: "Today, we tell the world that if you are worried about Iran achieving nuclear weapon, we have fully eliminated this concern in the JCPOA".
Rouhani said that people may be concerned about what the United States is going to do in the coming weeks about the JCPOA, adding: "People must be sure that we are considering the necessary decisions for different US scenarios and that US will suffer serious damage in this".
Trump has described the deal, which was negotiated under his predecessor, Barack Obama, as “the worst and most one-sided transaction Washington has ever entered into,” a characterization he often used during his presidential campaign, and threatened to tear it up.
The US president has threatened to pull out of the JCPOA unless Congress and America's European allies help “fix” it by May 12.
In late April, Macron made a visit to the US mainly to persuade Washington to stay in the JCPOA. Following the meeting, the French president told reporters that he thought Trump would decide to exit the deal.
Iranian leaders, however, have repeatedly stressed that the JCPOA is non-negotiable and dismissed the possibility of continuing with the agreement solely with America's European allies.