Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky said the US delegation had violated the Security Council’s rules of procedure, turning the meeting on Syria into a "political farce."

The United States assumed the rotating presidency in the UN Security Council in December. The Council’s session on Syria was chaired by US Deputy Permanent Representative to UN Robert Wood.

"Today, as a result of your awkward actions, we saw how a meeting on an extremely serious issue can be turned into a disgraceful political farce, by inviting a totally unsuitable speaker and playing into his hands," he said, referring to the invitation of Raed Al Saleh, head of the controversial Syrian Civil Defense organization also known as The White Helmets.

On the morning of November 27, the terrorist group Jabhat al-Nusra carried out a major attack in northern Syria. 

 The terrorists attempted to attack villages and towns under the protection of the Syrian armed forces and military sites, continuing to target the positions of government units. The Syrian military started an operation to repel the raid. On November 30, the country’s military command stated that the armed forces were conducting strikes on the positions of terrorists who had infiltrated many neighborhoods of the city of Aleppo. 


Hossein Amiri