Tehran (IP) - Nasser Kanaani, the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran, said that American and Zionist human rights, one in Negev, one in Guantanamo, and Abu Ghraib, are two sides of the same coin.

 Iran PressCommentary: Human rights is a concept that has become very important, especially in the 21st century. This importance is so great that even 'sovereignty' which was a self-evident principle in international law also acquired a moral aspect. In other words, in the light of the progressive principle of 'responsibility to protect', if a government commits gross human rights violations against its citizens, the principle will not be based on the government's sovereignty and there is a possibility of interfering in the internal affairs of that country.

A concrete example of this happened in 2011 against the country of Libya, and the United States and European countries went to war against this country and played a role in the fall of Muammar Gaddafi's government, citing the principle of the Responsibility to Protect – known as R2P. This shows the universal importance of human rights.

However, the developments from 2011 onwards in the West Asian region as well as the Ukraine war in 2022 showed that human rights norms are selectively taken into consideration by the Western powers, especially the United States. The Syrian crisis from 2011 onwards, the Saudi war against Yemen, the human catastrophe in Yemen, as well as the Israeli regime's genocide in Gaza, showed that human rights have no meaning. The war in Ukraine and the high concentration of Europe and America is another example that proved that human rights have a selective and discriminatory aspect for America and Europe.

In the current war in Gaza, which is in its eighth month, the Israeli regime has committed genocide based on numerous international documents, and even the crimes committed by the Israeli authorities are being investigated by the International Criminal Court. Children and women of Gaza are the main victims of Israel's crimes in Gaza. The Israeli regime also severely tortures Palestinian prisoners. The results of the research conducted by CNN show that Israeli soldiers are torturing and harassing Palestinian prisoners in a secret detention center in the Negev.

A detailed examination of the human rights positions of the United States clearly shows that the statesmen of this country take a position on the human rights situation in the world based on political preferences and interests, which leads to the instrumental use of the issue of human rights at the international level.

In addition, a gross violation of human rights inside the US also shows that this country manipulates the concept and norms of human rights as a tool. USA, as a country that claims human rights with less than five percent of the world's population, houses about 20 percent of the total prison population of the planet; At the same time, the fire of systematic racial discrimination has affected ethnic-racial minorities such as blacks, until this 14% minority constitutes a third of the American prison population. The harsh treatment of the American police against the students and professors of the universities of this country is another document indicating the violation of human rights in the United States.

According to this evidence, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nasser Kanani, wrote on the X social network (formerly Twitter) that American and Israel's human rights are one in the Negev, one in Guantanamo, and Abu Ghraib, two sides of the same coin.


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