The US Electoral College is voting Monday to elect the projected President Joe Biden or incumbent Donald Trump as the next president.

Iran PressAmerica: The ballots are being cast throughout the day by individual electors in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, and they mirror their state’s popular vote.

As of 11:30 a.m. ET, Indiana and Tennessee had both cast their 11 electoral votes for Trump. Vermont had cast 3 votes for Biden, and New Hampshire had cast 4 votes for Biden. This brought Trump’s total to 22 votes so far, and Biden’s to 7 votes. Biden is projected to receive 306 votes total, while Trump is expected to win 232 votes, CNBC reported.

The Electoral College vote is typically a formality, occurring more than a month after Election Day votes are cast. But Trump’s unprecedented legal and legislative efforts to overturn the election results this year have imparted a greater significance upon the proceedings.

The president, his campaign and his political allies have filed dozens of lawsuits since Election Day, asking federal and state courts to nullify the election results based on claims of irregularities.

These efforts repeatedly failed, prompting the president to shift tactics in early December and begin personally pressuring Republican state legislators to intervene in the selection of individual electors. So far, this too has failed.

Yet Trump continues to falsely claim that he, and not Biden, is the legitimate winner of the November election, and that he was the victim of a massive, coordinated nationwide conspiracy to alter votes in Biden’s favor.

Still, the denial of Biden’s victory by some Republicans in Congress is likely to stretch into January and beyond.

In a Washington Post survey of all 249 congressional Republicans, published on Dec. 6, only 27 said they accepted Biden as the legitimately elected president. Another 220 GOP lawmakers gave an unclear answer or did not respond, and two, Brooks and Rep. Paul A. Gosar of Arizona, said they believed Trump was the rightful winner of the election.


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Mojtaba Darabi