Nigerian top cleric:

Abuja(IP): The leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria, Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky said that the way Iranian people participated in millions during the funeral prayers and mourning for the martyrdom of the late President Ebrahim Raisi, proved their total support to the Iranian Government which has been built based on teaching of Qur'an and tradition of the holy Prophet (PBH).

Iran PressAfrica: Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky who made the remark while receiving representatives of the Academic Forum that paid him cutesy visit at his home in Abuja on the occasion for the remembrance of the demise of founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Ruhullah Imam Khomeini, added that the martyrdom of Sayyed Raisi has made Iranians more united and more stronger."

If President or any leader dies in America or Israel, you won't see people in millions attending his funeral, rather, some would be celebrating because the leaders don't represent their people. Unlike Iranians, who always support both the Islamic system that is running the country and the leadership, he said.Sheikh Zakzaky cited example, recalling the funeral prayer of Imam Khomeini in June 1989 which became the largest-ever funerals in the world. "

The world has also witnessed another historical turnout during the funeral processions and prayers of martyred Qasem Soleimani in January 2020. He emphasized that all this demonstrate the extent of loyalty and love of Iranian people for their Government and at the same time, destroyed the propaganda and lies of West against Iran. "This loyalty of masses to their Government made it impossible for enemies to defeat Iran."

Speaking on the current situations in the world, Sheikh Zakzaky said there are two classes in the world: "the oppressors and the oppressed. The oppressors were used to be called superpowers, but now they are called super arrogant. He added that Palestinians are the most oppressed people of the world while Israeli regime and the West who gives supports to the Zionists' regime are the oppressors, though the masses in the United States and different countries in the West are protesting in the streets against using their countries' taxpayers and resources to fund the Israeli genocide against Palestine."

Sheikh Zakzaky ensured that the steadfastness of the resistance  supporters and the anti Israeli protests happening across Western colleges and universities beside other protests by citizens, are all  signs that  Israeli regime will soon collapse and Palestine will be free.