Tehran(IP)- The executive secretary announced the successful organization of the "Symposium on Cerebral Aneurysms: Surgical and Interventional Approaches," which saw the participation of scientists from various countries.

Iran PressIran news: Mohsen Nabioui in an exclusive interviwe with Irabn Press on Oct. 11, 2023,  said: During the scholarly event, experts specializing in neurology, radiology, brain and nerve surgery hailing from countries including Finland, France, Turkey, Spain, the United States, Germany, Iran, and Japan, shared their latest scientific advancements.

He noted: As part of this academic gathering, four live international surgeries utilizing minimally invasive techniques, performed with a specialized endoscope, were conducted online during the congress.

Three surgeries occurred at Firoozgar Hospital, while one was performed in Barcelona.

He pointed out that congress attendees had the opportunity to engage in real-time discussions with the surgeons during the procedures and pose their questions.


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