IP - Groups of assailants have broken into foreign students' housing in the Kyrgyz capital, Bishkek on Friday night. 14 Pakistani Students have been injured. The mob was incited by a video purportedly showing a fight between Kyrgyz and Egyptian students.

Iran PressAsia: On the night of May 17-18 crowds attacked hostels accommodating foreign students including Indian and Pakistani Students.

Assailants broke into rooms and beat people and the damaged interior of Pakistani students' rooms.

The mob was incited by a video purportedly showing a fight between Kyrgyz and Egyptian students.

The video did not explain the true circumstances of the incident, which caused public outcry and mass discontent among young people and led to local unrest.

The Kyrgyz Ministry of Internal Affairs has issued a press release stating that the situation is under control.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic informs that destructive forces are deliberately disseminating untrue and false information about the situation in the Kyrgyz Republic in foreign mass media and social networks, especially in the territory of Pakistan,” read the statement issued by the ministry. 

“The Ministry informs that the situation in the city of Bishkek of the Kyrgyz Republic is calm and under full control, and all necessary measures have been taken to ensure security, maintain peace and stability,” it added.

The mob violence started after clips of a brawl between Kyrgyz and Egyptian medical students from May 13 were spread purportedly.

The mobs targeted hostels and private residences of international students, including Pakistanis, in Bishkek.

Pakistan embassy said around 10,000 Pakistani students are enrolled in various Kyrgyzstan institutes, with around 6,000 residing in the capital Bishkek.

The criminal probe was launched into hooliganism by a group. Four foreign nationals were detained in connection with the criminal probe. Also, two of 4 attackers were identified by police.

The police are working to establish the whereabouts of the above two citizens and the identities of other persons.


Hossein Vaez