Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has indicated that both Hezbollah and the Lebanese government are steering clear of escalating tensions into a full-scale war with Israel, despite provocations from certain elements within the Israeli regime. During a press conference at the United Nations headquarters in New York, Lavrov expressed concerns that certain factions in Israel might be pushing for an escalation, a sentiment echoed by some Western analysts.

Iran PressAmerica: The backdrop of these tensions is a series of deadly exchanges between Hezbollah and Israel since early October, which began shortly after Israel intensified its military actions in Gaza following October 7. Despite the severe situation, Hezbollah has maintained a restrained posture.

“Hezbollah has been very much restrained in its actions,” Lavrov further said, adding that its leader, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, has already “delivered a number of public statements which reaffirmed that position.”

The violence has had devastating effects, with Israeli airstrikes in southern Lebanon claiming over 450 lives. 

Adding to the complexities, Lavrov criticized Israel’s actions in Gaza as "collective punishment," a serious infringement of international humanitarian laws. He argued that combating violations with further violations only perpetuates the cycle of conflict. The ongoing offensive in Gaza has tragically resulted in approximately 38,800 Palestinian casualties, predominantly women and children, since October 7.

“When it comes to collective punishment in violation of international humanitarian law, one cannot fight against one form of violation through other violations. It's the same principle here,” he said.

The international response has been tepid, with significant military support continuing to flow from the United States to Israel, which has used its influence to block UN Security Council resolutions calling for a ceasefire. Despite the extensive military campaign, Israel's strategic objectives, including the defeat of Hamas and the release of Israeli captives, remain unfulfilled, pointing to a protracted and increasingly complex conflict scenario.