Tehran (IP) - The head of the University of Islamic Religions said that the theory of the purposes of the Sharia in the present era needs to be revised, and one of the main needs of today is preserving Islamic unity and convergence.

Iran PressIran News: Seyyed Abbas Salehi the president of the University of Islamic Religions at the meeting of the consensus on the role of approximation of Islamic religions in the purposes of the Sharia presented a brief commentary on the history of the purposes of the Sharia.

At the meeting which was held at the University of Islamic Religions, Salehi said: With the efforts of Imam Muhammad Abdo in compiling numerous books and articles, we have again witnessed promoting the goals of Sharia and now it seems that this theory with all the old history needs revision.

Salehi emphasized: It seems that one of the essential interests is to preserve Islamic unity and convergence, which must be proven with rational justice in the current era.

Pointing out that preserving Islamic unity and convergence is the first priority of the essentials, Salehi stated: For example, if we define five to ten essentials in the purposes of Sharia, preserving unity and approximation is one of the first priorities.

Salehi said: New examples suitable for contemporary people are one of the things that should be carefully considered today regarding the purposes of Sharia law. If food and clothing were necessities for humans in the modern age, today dozens of other things such as the right to education, work, access to information, etc. have been added to human necessities.

He reminded: In the field of Islamic unity and convergence, there are examples such as the need to respect Islamic holy things, which have become the necessities of today's life.


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Hossein Vaez