IP - Today (Friday) is the anniversary of the uprising on the 17th of Shahrivar 1357 (September 8, 1978) and the mass killing of Iranian revolutionary people by the Pahlavi regime agents called 'Black Friday'.

Iran PressIran news:  The event of 17 Shahrivar 1357 (September 8, 1978), known as "Black Friday," which is also referred to as "Massacre on 17 Shahrivar" in historical sources, was an event during the formation of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and ultimately led to the fall of the dictatorial and Pahlavi-affiliated regime. It was in 1979.

The killing of hundreds of defenseless people of Tehran on the 17th of Shahrivar 1357 by the agents of the Pahlavi regime in Tehran's 'Shohada Square' (former Zhaleh sq) increased people's hatred against the Pahlavi regime and the protests and strikes of the government employees of the time spread.

Imam Khomeini (RA), the great founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, after the tragedy of the 17th of Shahrivar, offered condolences to the fighting people of Iran and promised them victory.

The massacre of the people of Tehran on the 17th of Shahrivar and the continuance of the military rule made the unity and will of the army of the Pahlavi regime shaky.Then the other hand, the will of the Iranian people for the downfall of the Pmore robustegime became stronger and more determined.

Finally, with the continuation of the rights-seeking struggles of the Iranian nation, the Pahlavi regime fell about five months after the historic uprising of 17 Shahrivar in February 1979.

The anniversary of the 17th of Shahrivar uprising is held every, year in Islamic Iran and the memory of the martyrs of the Islamic Revolution of Iran is honored.


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Hossein Vaez