US (IP) - The Iranian Vice President for Women and Family Affairs stressed a reformation in the unreal West-constructed narratives about family.

Iran Press/America: Presenting a speech at the 68th meeting of the Commission of Woman Status (CWS) condemned the fake narratives of marriage and gender as an attempt to remove the sublime concepts of mother, father, and natural family, calling the Western narratives crimes against humanity that would lead to the end of the human race.

At the meeting revolving around the empowerment of women and family and the development of society, Ensiyah Khazali said on Wednesday: "We believe that countering such approaches is the human duty of all of us. Today, we need a movement of commitment to family notion so that all family members can experience a warm life together."

Earlier, at the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi called on all world leaders to join the movement and support the family.

Still, she elaborated on the Iranian women's advancements and their participation in different arenas as the result of the Islamic Republic's focus on women's education from the beginning of the Islamic Republic's establishment. 

Globally, Iran ranks 4th in the production of nanoscience knowledge, 8th in aerospace technology, 9th in satellite launch technology, 12th in biotechnology products, and 16th in artificial intelligence; Iranian men and women brought their country to the world rank 15 in the science production, the Iranian VP reported. 

Khazali also referred to the 2022 Global Innovation Index report: "With their over 60% participation in higher education courses and post-graduate education in my country, women go side by side men have been driving the fastest growth innovation in the world."

While the global ratio of female to male inventors in the world is 14%, this ratio in Iran is 24%, which means that one out of every four inventors in Iran is a woman, she pointed out.

Yet, the Iranian VP highlighted the issue of sanctions: "I should note that my country's women are actually fighting the effects of economic terrorism and unilateral coercive actions that are being illegally taken against the Iranian people."

She called on the free women in all countries to get united and not let some states impose their interests on others through unilateralism, demanding efforts to make multilateralism rule the UN.

The Iranian Vice President for Women and Family Affairs Ensiyeh Khazali arrived in New York's John F. Kenedy to on Sunday take part in the 68th annual meeting of the UN Commission on Status of Women.


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