Beijing (IP) - In a meeting with the Chinese intellectuals, Iran's President said that the Iranian nation has created many opportunities out of cruel threats and sanctions and obtained many achievements when progressing.

Iran PressAsia: Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi, in a meeting with top intellectuals and elites of China on Wednesday, emphasized the importance of the role of research and research centers in examining the current state of the world and its problems as well as presenting a futuristic solution for the improvement of the political, economic, cultural and social situation of the societies.

The president stated: "Today, the situation in the world is developing in such a way that by denying unilateralism, actions such as what the United States and its allies in the region and the world are applying to dominate the nations are rejected and condemned in the public opinion of the world."

The Iranian President named cultural and economic domination as one of the new methods of the domination system to dominate the nations and added: "Today, scholars, researchers and thinkers in independent countries are expected to protect the culture and civilizational identities of their country as a sharp observer in the face of the invasions of the domination system."

The President further pointed out that what brings Iran and China together is their civilizational history, common positions against unilateralism, independence, and refusal of domination and domination, and stated: "Iran has huge economic, cultural and geographical capacities that the actualization of these capacities can be very effective in the growth and promotion of countries in the region and even the Asian continent and in shaping the future in favor of Asia."

Raisi stated that the connection of independent countries with each other brings 2 important achievements of capacity exchange and neutralization of threats and sanctions, and added: "The Iranian nation has created many opportunities for itself from oppressive threats and sanctions and has gained many achievements when progressing."

Raisi added: "For example, today, more than 90% of the medicines needed by the Iranian people are produced inside the country by Iranian researchers and specialists; Iran is among the top 15 scientific powers in the world in terms of science production, and it has capabilities in various industries."

The president said that the only way to deal with the threat of America and its allies is to stand and resist and added: "In addition to warding off the danger, resistance will turn the threat into an opportunity for progress, while retreating from the threat will only result in failure.

In response to a question about the plans of the Islamic Republic of Iran to develop relations with China, the president said: "We have long-standing relations with China that are developing and there are many fields, including the energy export sector, exchange of products, greater interaction of researchers etc. There are students in the universities of the two countries and the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative will further develop relations."


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