New York (IP) - The Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Iran to the United Nations, in an interview with Iranian journalists in New York said that the Middle East nuclear weapon free zone (MENWFZ) is one of the important issues for the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Iran PressAmerica: Referring to Iran's active presence in the Tenth Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), Majid Takht Ravanchi stated: "The issue of the Middle East as a region free of nuclear weapons is one of the important discussions that all countries in the region want because the Israeli regime, as the only holder of hundreds of nuclear warheads, is not ready to join the NPT and place its nuclear facilities under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Pointing to the importance of the 10th NPT Review Conference, Takht Ravanchi stated: "Unfortunately, the countries possessing nuclear weapons have not fulfilled their obligations in violation of Article 6 of the NPT and are moving towards nuclear disarmament. They have not moved forward while they had committed to moving towards nuclear disarmament in good will."

The Tenth Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons started on August 1st in New York and will continue until Friday, Aug. 26. The conference has been held every five years since 1970, and of course, it was not held two years ago due to the Corona epidemic, and this year the tenth conference was held, where the three main items discussed in the conference are nuclear disarmament, the non-proliferation and peaceful use of nuclear energy.


Read more:

Iran's nuclear program completely peaceful with no military dimension: MP

Bennet accuses Iran on violating NPT; like the pot calling the kettle black


Zohre Khazaee