Gaza (P) – A senior Hamas leader has declared that the Zionist regime comprehends only the language of force, vowing that the Palestinian resistance will persist both in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

Iran Press/West Asia: Speaking to Al Jazeera on Wednesday, Husam Badran, a prominent figure within Hamas, asserted that the ongoing Israeli military offensive in the occupied West Bank is destined to fail. He emphasized that a new generation of Palestinians is poised to carry the mantle of resistance against the Israeli regime.

Badran highlighted the recent escalation in military actions by the Israeli forces in the West Bank, stating that it underscores the regime's inherent aggression. "The extensive military attack by the occupying Zionist army on the West Bank proves that this regime needs no pretext to commit its crimes against the Palestinian people," Badran remarked.

In a call to arms, Badran urged all those capable of bearing arms to support the resistance in both the West Bank and Gaza, stressing the importance of unified action against the occupation.

He also touched on the ongoing ceasefire negotiations, urging mediators to uphold the agreements reached on July 2. The talks, which were originally scheduled to continue in Cairo, have now shifted to Doha, though it remains unclear why the venue was changed or how this might impact the negotiation process.

As the situation remains tense, all eyes are on the upcoming discussions in Doha and the potential implications for the fragile ceasefire in Gaza.