Head of AEOI in exclusive interview with Iran Press:

Tehran (IP) - The head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran(AEOI) has emphasized that the country does not have any tension with the International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA), saying, the Director-General of IAEA repeats Israel's words violates laws.

Iran PressIran News: During a visit to Iran Press, Mohammad Eslami, in a lengthy televised interview, answered questions that shed light on many issues about IAEA double standards vis-à-vis Iran's goodwill in cooperation with the UN nuclear watchdog interview.

Eslami first redefined the goals of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran and emphasized that according to the 20-year comprehensive document of the Atomic Energy Organization, which was unveiled on March 30, 2022, in the presence of the President, the construction of a nuclear power plant to generate 10,000 MW aiming at eliminating greenhouse fuels for electricity generation in Iran is on the agenda.

The vice president added: "Consumption of fossil fuels has caused climate change and endangered living conditions, and Iran, like developed countries, should move towards nuclear power generation."

The head of the Atomic Energy Organization said: "According to the comprehensive nuclear document of Iran, in order to enjoy the benefits of radiation in agriculture and food and radiopharmaceuticals, in the next 20 years, Iran will be equipped with 12 hubs of preparation and construction of radiation system."

Regarding the nuclear renaissance in Iran, Eslami stressed that Iran, despite all the conspiracies to stop its nuclear industry, is now producing all its nuclear needs, and this success has been interpreted as a nuclear renaissance.

The Vice President stressed that in order to advance the nuclear industry, we would not wait for the political decisions of the International Atomic Energy Agency, and we will expand our nuclear activities.

Eslami added: "The French were supposed to build two 30-megawatt power plants and then abandoned them, and Iranian specialists decided to build this all-Iranian power plant."

The head of the Atomic Energy Organization, stating that there have been countries that have benefited from Iran's nuclear power, said: "So far, nine countries, such as Iraq, India, Syria and several Central Asian countries have received radiopharmaceutical products and Iranian nuclear drugs and there is readiness to increase exports."

Eslami added: "In nuclear power plants, a plan has been developed to desalinate seawater."

Claim of Iran built atomic bomb, baseless



The baseless allegations against Iran that it was trying to build a nuclear bomb were other cases in which the head of the Atomic Energy Organization denied the allegations, extending explanations.

"The plot to build an atomic bomb is a purely political argument and an excuse," he said.

He added: "The charge of making an atomic bomb has been attributed to Iran for 30 years, and Iran has always cooperated with the Atomic Energy Agency to build trust."

Eslami said: "Despite these confidence-building measures, various resolutions have been issued against Iran in the last 20 years, and in the last few years, negotiations have been held with the P5 + 1 and led to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action(JCPOA)."

The vice president noted that JCPOA had led to lifting sanctions, and in return, Iran had agreed to limit its nuclear activities for a period of time to build trust; although Iran has fulfilled all its obligations in this direction in a very precise and clause-by-clause manner, the other side has not fulfilled any of its obligations.

Iran never seeks mass destruction weapons

Elsewhere, Eslami emphasized that Iran's defense doctrine is based on precision weapons, not the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction and that this doctrine will never change.

The head of the Atomic Energy Organization added: "Enrichment in Iran is done around 5 to 20 percent because the needs of Iran's nuclear industry are defined in this section."

The Vice President said: "Iran's relations with the International Atomic Energy Agency are a relationship defined on the basis of safeguards and the NPT. Regarding safeguards, Iran moves and acts exactly in accordance with the criteria of the IAEA.

The Vice President said: "Iran's relations with the International Atomic Energy Agency are a relationship defined on the basis of safeguards and the NPT. In the discussion of safeguards, Iran moves and operates exactly in accordance with the rules of the IAEA."

Iran has right to have a nuclear program under law



Eslami also stressed that Iran has the right to have a nuclear program under the law, and for this reason, for the first time, we have provided the IAEA with the entire document of Iran's nuclear program in a completely transparent manner, and they now know the scope of Iran nuclear program.

Regarding the recent stance of the Director-General of the Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Grossi, on Iran's nuclear program, the Vice President said: "I regret the remarks made by the Director-General of the IAEA, who repeats Israel's words in violation of the rules. Based on the JCPOA, Iran has accepted the restrictions solely on the basis of JCPOA with the aim of building trust."

Eslami, meanwhile, said: "In recent interviews, Rafael Grossi has mentioned Iran's cooperation, but Iran has also raised ambiguities about the IAEA's camera beyond safeguards in the form of five clauses and sent them to the relevant officials."

The head of the Atomic Energy Organization stressed that the monitoring cameras of the International Atomic Energy Agency should not be increased and that the officials of this international organization should be released from the captivity of the Zionists and should not further discredit the IAEA.

Related News:

A number of IAEA cameras in Iran to be shut down: AEOI

Process of negotiations for revival of JCPOA, over

Eslami also said about the revival of the JCPOA: "The process of negotiations for the revival of the JCPOA is over but the recent behavior that accompanied the issuance of the resolution of the Board of Governors has been done under the influence and pressure of the Israelis, who have also carried out terrorist activities in Iran."

The Vice President noted that Iran absolutely did not expect a resolution to be designed in this situation with the aim of political pressure.

Regarding Iran's reaction to the recent resolution of the Board of Governors, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization said: "Iran has not blocked the way for the IAEA to monitor, and only cameras beyond safeguards agreement(JCPOA document) have been disconnected."


Read more:

AEOI Head Mohammad Eslami pays visit to Iran Press News Agency


Farhad Nayeb