Urmia (IP) – These days, the state of tourism in West Azerbaijan Province is not good, and the increasing drought is affecting the province's environment.

Iran PressIran news: Now all eyes are on the revival of Lake Urmia; A lake whose water fades from everyone's eyes and turns into a mirage, leaving only salt and the sinking of the ship that has been waiting for years to appear in the waves of this blue expanse.

Iran Press' footage of the largest saltwater lake in the West Asia region and the sixth saltwater lake in the world is a good narration of the shrinking water volume of this area, and people and tourists are only watching with regret this dimming of Iran's blue eye.

After years of salt and water coexistence in Lake Urmia, their paths have been separated, and now more salt is showing itself in this vital reserve of the biosphere.

Due to the critical situation of Lake Urmia, people are waiting for the day and night efforts to keep alive this vital biosphere reserve and the protector of Iran's environment so that this tourist gem shines again.

According to the governor of West Azerbaijan, Mohammad-Sadeq Motamedian, the plan to transfer water to Lake Urmia should be seriously pursued.

As the governor has said, any lack of work in saving Lake Urmia will cause irreparable environmental damage to the region, and people look forward to saving Lake Urmia.


Read More: 

Lake Urmia; biggest lake in West Asia, turns blood red

Ali Akbar khandan
Photo by Najib Abdemajdi
Photo by Najib Abdemajdi
Photo by Najib Abdemajdi
Photo by Najib Abdemajdi
Photo by Najib Abdemajdi
Photo by Najib Abdemajdi
Photo by Najib Abdemajdi
Photo by Najib Abdemajdi
Photo by Najib Abdemajdi
Photo by Najib Abdemajdi
Photo by Najib Abdemajdi
Photo by Najib Abdemajdi
Photo by Najib Abdemajdi
Photo by Najib Abdemajdi
Photo by Najib Abdemajdi
Photo by Najib Abdemajdi
Photo by Najib Abdemajdi