IP - Chinese President Xi Jinping held a meeting with US national security adviser Jake Sullivan in Beijing on Thursday. The visit was aimed at maintaining open lines of communication between the two countries, as tensions have escalated in the China-US relationship in recent years.

Iran Press/Asia: US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan met Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing on Thursday, wrapping up three days of talks aimed at easing friction between the two world powers ahead of November's U.S. election.

Sullivan, on his first trip to China in his capacity as the main adviser to President Joe Biden on U.S. national security issues, has met with senior Chinese officials including Foreign Minister Wang Yi and a senior general of the Central Military Commission.

China and the US have experienced growing disagreements on multiple fronts, beginning with a trade conflict that originated in 2018 and has since expanded to include global security concerns like China's territorial claims in the South China Sea, as well as industrial policies related to sectors such as automobile and solar panel production. Sullivan's recent visit is intended to prevent further escalation of these tensions. 219