'Dayan,' directed by Behrouz Nouranipour, won Best Picture and Best Director awards at The IndieFEST Film Awards in the United States.

Iran PressAmerica: The festival, which has been held in Los Angeles since 2008, seeks to provide new filmmakers with a space to be seen better.

The closing ceremony of this edition was held on February 11, and Behrouz Nouranipour was awarded two honorary diploma awards (as one of the top ten films for the jury) and the best director award for his film.

'Dayan' narrates the story of nearly 4,000 women refugees who could not join their families over the borders during the war with the ISIL terrorist group.

Dayan is an unflinching and brutal look at the realities of war. An aging Syrian father living in exile has to make a choice:  part with his special-needs children to escape or keep them and put all of their lives in danger.  As he struggles, the world around him crumbles under the weight of war. The performances are outstanding and craft, technical.  Stars include Naser Babayian, Abdollah Zavare and Bahar Marofi.


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