Tehran (IP) - The Iranian Foreign Minister received the new Ambassador of China; in this meeting, the newly appointed Chinese ambassador stressed that his country's high-ranking officials attach special importance to enhanced relations with Iran.

Iran PressIran news: The newly appointed Chinese ambassador Cong Peiwu met with the top Iranian diplomat Hossein Amir-Abdollahian on Wednesday to hand over a copy of his credentials.

In this meeting Iran's top diplomat Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, appreciated efforts by Cong Peiwu’s predecessor in progressing Tehran-Beijing relations, expressing hope that the new ambassador will take the same path to help strengthen ties between the two countries, especially through pursuing the implementation of bilateral agreements between the two countries signed in different fields.

The new Chinese ambassador, for his part, said that Iran and China enjoy deep and long-running relations, adding that the Chinese government gives special importance to promoting all-out cooperation with Iran.

Referring to the exchange of the visits of the presidents of the two countries to Tehran and Beijing, Cong Peiwu described the relations between Tehran and Beijing as having the two characteristics of depth and historical length and breadth with a history of two thousand years. He emphasized that the president and foreign minister of China pay special attention to ties with Iran and deepening all-out development of relations with Iran within the framework of the comprehensive strategic partnership. 219